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Before you start


Before you Start


Step 1 - Register

Before you can apply for housing you will need to create an account on Birmingham Choice and this will require you to input your National Insurance number, name and contact information.  When completed you will be shown a unique reference number which you will use whenever you log in.


Step 2 - Apply for Social Housing

Once you have registered, you will be given the option to apply for social housing.  You will need to complete the online application form.  You will be asked questions about your current housing circumstances and continue through each section of the form. 

Please note, not all customers applying will qualify to join the housing register and all information submitted on your application will be verified. 

When your application is submitted for verification or further assessment by officers in Case Management Team you may be asked to provide additional information to assist them in completing this assessment. 


Step 3 - Bidding for Property

If your application has been accepted on to the housing register you will receive all of the information required for bidding on property in a registration email.  You will then be able to log into Birmingham Choice using the login reference and password to view property advertised.

Property is advertised on Birmingham Choice between Thursday and Monday and you can bid on up to 2 properties per week.  Please note, you will only be able to bid on property which meets your assessed housing need. 


Step 4 - Being offered a property

In normal circumstances, the shortlist will identify the order of applicants based on who is in the highest band with the earliest effective date.  Adverts will specify any additional criteria; applicants who do not meet these will not be shortlisted.

If you are selected from shortlisting you will be invited to view the property. 

*You are entitled to 2 offers of accommodation (1 if your housing need is homelessness).  If you refuse these your application will be suspended from the housing register for 12 months.  Please see the summary of the new Scheme and the full scheme document for further details.



Before you start

  • Full names and dates of birth for all household members
  • National insurance numbers for all household members aged 16 and over
  • An email address
  • A telephone number
  • Current address, including postcode
  • Address history, including dates, over the last 5 years
  • Homeless reference number (if applicable)
  • A pen and paper to note your memorable date and login password
  • Registering on a mobile phone is not recommended.  Please use a tablet, laptop, or computer.

The online form can be saved and returned to within 28 days of initial completion.

To start, select   at the top right hand side of this page.

If you have any other questions you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.