Welcome to Birmingham Choice
The way that Birmingham’s social housing is allocated changed on 20 April 2017.
Social housing is a valuable but limited resource and demand for it is greater than the number of homes available. Therefore, to allocate housing tenancies in a fair and transparent way, the Council manages a housing allocation scheme, as it must do by law.
Social housing includes housing owned by the Council and by registered providers (formally known as housing associations). We allocate to some registered providers through nomination agreements.
Housing Allocation Scheme
The Housing Allocation Scheme is the way that the Council determines priorities for allocating social housing. Having this scheme in place ensures that the Council allocates social housing to the people who need it the most.
How a Housing Allocation Scheme works
When someone applies for housing with the Council, the criteria in the Housing Allocation Scheme determines if they are eligible and if they qualify for social housing. If they do qualify for social housing, they will join the Council’s housing register (housing waiting list).
Birmingham operates a choice based letting scheme and applicants accepted onto the housing register may express an interest in (bid for) a home when a suitable one becomes available. Those who do not qualify for social housing will be offered advice about alternative housing options, including private renting.
More information about Birmingham’s Housing Allocation Scheme
Birmingham introduced a new Housing Allocation Scheme on 20th April 2017. To find out more about this Scheme you can read the summary of the new Scheme or the full policy document.
Applying for social housing
You can find out more information about applying for social housing here
Housing advice and information
For advice and information of your housing options please visit Birmingham City Council's main website here. Alternatively, please see our Housing Options in Birmingham pack .
Help with Housing Costs
If you are on a low income you may be able to get help with your housing costs. You may qualify for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. If you are unsure whether to claim Universal Credit or Housing Benefit then you can check your eligibility here.